Saturday, March 12, 2011
Cade is 21 mo old and walking!
I am so happy to say that Cade has started to walk. I'm not talking just taking steps between objects, I mean full on walking around the house, turning corners, backing up everything! We couldn't be prouder of him! Its been a long time coming and a lot of work with his therapists, his grandparents and his parents. I'm sure his buds at daycare had something to do with it also. I cannot wait until his next therapy session on March 22 to show off his new skillz. And bc we are so elated I have many videos of our guy walking all over. Today while we were out shopping he decided he didn't want to be pushed in the stroller but rather he wanted to push the stroller himself. He pushed that thing all over the place, and it was great practice for what occurred tonight when he took off walking solo! GO CADERS!!
Love it! He is getting to be such a bog boy...we need to see you all very soon!