Thursday, June 9, 2011

DIY toilet paper roll art:??

I know, I know it sounds totally bizarre but when I saw this I thought it was really neat looking. I will admit not all DIY projects turn out so great,and I can honestly say this is one of those. The piece I tried to make didn't work out well bc I hadn't cut the pieces the same width so lining them up next to each other they didn't match up well. It looked homemade and funky.  But I did end up with this mini piece I placed on a mirror in our kitchen.
I really love this piece that I found on another blog:
just a girl toilet roll art

Once I saw this and how simple it was I am tempted to give it another go to add to our office now that we are re doing some things in there. 

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely love this!! I always save my paper towel rolls & toilet paper rolls for special stuff like this! YAY. And I have the perfect white canvas to dooo this with! I am so excited. Thanks for sharing!

