Monday, November 28, 2011


I realize its been awhile since I posted. I guess I have had a lot going on. With the recent passing of my dear friend to the holidays and work and family and my photography is taking off also. Its a lot to juggle. I am happy to report that my photography business has been steadily busy these past few months. I suspect its the draw of holiday cards and photos but I love it none-the-less. 
Wednesday before Thanksgiving we took Cade to Childrens for his annual Neuro appt.  Dr. Parsons was thoroughly impressed with Mr. Cade. So impressed she doesn't need to see him until he's 4!  The appt was more like a physical. She inspected his body, watched him walk, run after a ball, draw, pick up tiny dots, eat, drink, talk. It was pretty quick and painless.  I had the nerve to ask since he is doing so well do kids continue to do well or can they regress in their progress. She said "NO" they typically continue to progress if they are now. Especially given that his speech is so well developed she thinks that Cade is just very midly affected by his ACC.  HOORAY!  We obviously couldn't be more pleased.  We knew in our own eyes that he was doing wonderfully but it was nice to "show him off" to the Dr and have her concur with us!  She also encouraged us that if we decide to add to our family that this occurence with Cade was a fluke. There is nothing linked genetically to this ACC of Cade's that we shouldn't be worried about having a 2nd child with ACC. That was nice to hear, so when/if the time comes to have another child we can rest assure.

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving also surrounded by much family and friends, and good food and drinks, LOTS to be Thankful for! It was great also having that extra day off work and having a nice long weekend with family. We got our tree trimmed and some presents bought and wrapped already!
We hope everyone else had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend also!

Evan, Carri & Cade Beauprez


  1. What great news!! Of course, Cade would be amazing even if his ACC caused him trouble but what a relief that it isn't.

  2. Thanks for your comment on my blog. How encouraging to read that Cade is doing so well. He is just precious!

    We had some good news this week as well, our son's Chromosome tests came back completely normal so his ACC isn't genetic either.

    I'm looking forward to following along on your blog as your son continues to grow and thrive! Best wishes!


  3. Carrie that is such wonderful news I am in tears of joy! So very excited for you two! Looking forward to more updates!
