Monday, January 30, 2012


As you know I have been taking part in a fashion challenge to get myself out of my old clothing rut of "work clothes"  Just because you wear "work clothes" doesn't mean it has to be boring, blah.  I had fallen into that rut of B-O-R-I-N-G. And it was time to Stop.
Although I am not keeping up with the fashion challenge daily and I missed a few days. I just don't have time to capture pictures of myself each day I have a new or fun outfit on. By the time I get home from work its dark out so I typically have to do this in the AM before my son wakes up.  Which can be tricky to do.
So today I put together a classic blue and white stripped button up with a green sweater cap sleeved but looks more "vest" like here with a navy blazer and some khakis.
The challenge I took part in was "Decade or Region" I choose region-England, that's a region right?  Check it out: http://www.frecklesinapril.blogspot.com/
 **still working on getting some better pics
                          Blue striped shirt (f21)~Green cap sleeved vest (Banana)~ Blue blaser (f21)~
Khakis (Old Navy old)~ Shoes (Tommy Hilfiger old)

I like how the outfit turned out overall. I think I would wear again. I felt sort of Harry Potterish and English school girl in my blazer, like I was going off to boarding school. Its a classic look!

Cheesrs Carri

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