Monday, January 23, 2012

Layers for players

I decided to take part in a fashion challenge via www.frecklesinapril.blogspot.com
(check it out)
Its just for fun and inspiring to see diff styles come together and pushing you to try new things with your wardrobe.  Check out the blog for all the deets~

Excitedly the first challenge is layers. Easy enough bc it's chilly here today so I put on my new tan skinnies, black boots and went for it!! Loving this.
Love my awkward pose, ha ha
and bc I kept cutting my head off I decided to squat.

Tan skinnies (Jennifer Lopez-Kohls)  Boots (White Mountain old) Striped sweater (Kohls)
Gray under tank (Kohls old)  Scarf (Gap old)

From the looks of it you must be thinking I'm a Kohls whore. But I actually NEVER shop there. I just happen to go there Friday and got a few new things. FUN.
OMG I am no model that is for sure and being a photographer, taking your own pic is hard.  I wasn't going to do this today bc I'm hella sick with a cold but glad I did.

Cheers, Carri


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Mandy, I love seeing your daily outfits too btw!

  2. What a fun way to tie a scarf! Great outfit!

    See Me Rwar

    1. Thanks Rebecca!! If I was any good at describing how I did it I would def share.

  3. Oh my goodness, you are SO beautiful! Cheekbone envy.

    I love your layers! I am awful at scarves but yours is perfect!

    Freckles in April

  4. Kayla, you are too sweet. Thanks for hosting this FUN challenge, I really needed it
