Friday, January 27, 2012

Trendy......can't keep up!

So as you know I have taken part in a fashion blog challenge over at www.frecklesinapril.blogspot.com
and so far its been good and then I lost time and am off track now. Dude its hard being a mom,wife, working full time and pulling together outfits for this challenge. So I guess I am half a$$ it, oh well I am doing what I can. So when the challenge was trendy I took it upon myself to pull an old corduroy blazer out of my closet since I guess blazers are back in. I also did the black with brown look which I rarely do.

Black Skinnies (Kohls)  Corduroy Blazer (Polo old) Flats (Kohls)  Top (LC Kohls)
And oh my this is getting embarrassing bc like I said before I am no model and my pics are no bueno.

1 comment:

  1. I love blazers! I feel like they add instant polish to any outfit. You look great!

    Freckles in April
