Saturday, May 5, 2012


It's been awhile since I've updated on our weekend fun.  
This weekend has been great so far and its only half way over.
Friday night we had some friends over for dinner
Cade had a blast playing with his friends and staying up late.
Ev tried to sleep in Saturday while I played with white balance on my camera.
I'm such a nerd I know.

Cade loved his Chocolate O's cereal in milk.
how can you not love that smile! 

Bright and early on Saturday Cade and I headed to the Home Depot.
 He especially loved the lighting dept!
I forgot to mention while Mia was hanging outside with us she tends to chase squirrels.
And we don't keep a collar on her bc she's the Avery Park Celebrity, everyone knows Mia.
But today she ran off after a squirrel un-noticed.
Before we knew it the humane society was in the hood to take her away.
Thankfully, Evan saw and called Mia back over. 
Someone had found her and leashed her up
and call the humane society.
So I guess not everyone knows Mia!
Later on today we are going to some friends house for a Cinco De Mayo celebration. 
More of an excuse to all GTG and have the kids play.
Tomorrow I have a photo shoot too which I am very excited about!
Happy weekend everyone.

Cheers, Carri

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