Saturday, March 2, 2013


its been forever since I've done a true "weekend" post
To be honest I haven't had the energy.
and its hard for me to photograph with a huge preggo belly.
I like to get down low, and move around on the ground to get photos
and that's not an option right now.
So i dusted off the ol' camera today
As I found enough energy to actually get out of the house and DO something today.
We decided since the weather was so nice, we would head to Boulder.
And I'm so glad we did.
it was gorgeous out, we had fantastic lunch at Centro,
and then walked the pearl st mall.
They have quite the street entertainers there.
including this limber guy/comedian:
unfortunatley cade woke up with the croup today:(
he feels and acts fine during the day but at night the seal cough flares up.
he managed to fall asleep breifly there and back.
but once we got to lunch he was quite the character

we also found the kids area for Cade to get his climb on

he was pretty impressed that with some help he figured this out:


he fit right in in Boulder in his Toms.

before we headed back we got some ice cream:
4 more weeks until baby B.
hope you all had a lovely weekend!

Cheers, Carri

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