Monday, April 15, 2013

Our family is complete

I can't believe we are a family of 4!!
Just 10 days ago I was running errands with my mom,
with this baby inside of me.
Waiting patiently to meet this new family member of ours.
Thursday AM came so quickly.
We had to be at the hospital by 5:30 AM so needless to say I got no sleep that evening.
The morning at the hospital was a whirlwind.
Diff doctors and nurses were in and out of our temporary room all morning.
Next our parents, Cade and Adrienne (the photographer) arrived.
The C-section went as planned.
I stepped into the room to receive my epidural.
The nurse had asked me prior what my favorite pandora station was
to which I replied "snow patrol".
As I sat on the table to get poked and prodded I remember
"just say yes" was playing in the room.
How perfect was this song??
I'm running out of ways to make you seeI want you to stay here beside me
I won't be okay and I won't pretend I am
So just tell me today and take my hand
Please take my hand
Please take my hand
Please take my hand
Please take my hand
Just say yes
Just say there's nothing holding you back
It's not a test
Nor a trick of the mind, only love
It's so simple and you know it is, you know it is
We can't be to and fro like this all our lives
You're the only way to me, the path is clear
What do I have to say to you for God's sake, dear?
For God's sake, dear
For God's sake, dearFor God's sake, dearFor God's sake, dear
Just say yes
Just say there's nothing holding you back
It's not a test
Nor a trick of the mind, only love
Just say yes
'Cause I'm aching and I know you are too
For the touch Of your warm skin as I breathe you in
I can feel your heart beat through my shirt
This was all I wanted, all I want
It's all I want
It's all I want
It's all I want
It's all I want
Just say yes
Just say there's nothing holding you back
It's not a test
Nor a trick of the mind, only love
Just say yes'
Cause I'm aching and I know you are too
For the touchOf your warm skin as I breathe you in

I was scared, starring up at Ev,waiting for some expression.
Some clue as to what was going on. I felt nothing.
I was scared and numb (literally).
That moment Ev smiled and looked down at me saying quietly thru a giant grin of dimples protruding out the sides of his face mask...
"its a boy"
I just shook my head "yes" unable to speak or form thoughts.
I thought it was going to be a boy.
Luckily, we had settled on names just 2 weeks prior.
Garris was his name.
Garris after my Dad Gary, perfect.
I now have two sons, I'm out numbered by boys I thought.
How amazing, how blessed is this moment.
How did I wind up here?
I love it!
I'm so blessed that Adrienne agreed to capture this moment for us.
We will cherish the story these photos tell forever.
The photos speak for themselves!

The moment Cade arrived my nerves subsided and everything was ok again!
He wore his "big bro" tshirt that Aunt Lori sent to him!

Our families waited outside the OR for the big reveal, boy or girl?
This was right before I stepped into the OR, I love the expression on Cade's face,
as if he even knew what was coming!


I love seeing Ev's face here as he sets eyes on our boy!

meanwhile I'm laying clueless to everything, the nurse fills me in

Setting eyes on this guy was heaven!
he's perfect I thought!

I love seeing Cade thru the window as he watches his "bruder"

back at the nicu the nurses filling me in on his condition

Garris did have to go to the NICU bc of some fluid in his lungs
so the first 1.5 days he was not with us.
It was such a relief to have moved past that and have him with us.
You can tell I'm very happy to be done here as they wheel me off to see Garris at the NICU.

Our families meeting him for the first time, precious.

I love the expression on our families faces as they met Garris.
I wasn't able to see it for myself since I was recovering,
so having these photos is priceless!

gotta love the cross eyed baby look!

We can't thank everyone enough for the love, support, cards, texts, emails, phonecalls, gifts, cards, diapers, homecooked meals as we welcomed Garris into our world.
We are so blessed for such wonderful family/friends surrounding us.

Cheers, Carri


  1. Oh Carri these photos are so beautiful! So, so happy for you my friend...having two boys is so much fun. :) And I love the cross-eyed baby photos too...reminds me of my Ben when he was a newborn. :)

    1. ahh thanks Mandy! cross eyed babies are the best! LOL

  2. Replies
    1. Adrienne we would not have this moment to revisit without you! I cannot thank you enough for everything you did that day, leading up to that day, the NB photos as well. I could never repay you for this, priceless!

  3. Beautiful! Cade looks so happy! Congrats to you all!

    1. Thanks Tara, Cade was so happy! it made the moment that much more enjoyable seeing it thru his eyes/emotions!
