One word to describe this weekend: sublime!
Things at home are really starting to mesh for us al, really well.
Evan is doing an amazing job at home with the boys, while maintaining his job duties at night.
He's been such a help to me too.
Letting me sleep in on the weekends, doing dishes, dinners etc. He's been wonderful!!
Garris has started to form a schedule of his own.
He goes to bed around 9:30. And wakes around 3:30 am to feed.
Although Saturday night he did sleep 9 hours!!
Of course I was still up at 3am wondering why he wasn't awake, lol.
Cade has been having some moments we will say. And we try to remind ourselves that adjusting to having a lil bro when you're 4yrs old cant be easy. His entire world was disrupted. And he has competition for our attention now. We're experiencing more tantrums, and acts of resistance to our requests. Especially at bedtime-oh boy!
But it's going to continue to be a growing period of adjustments for us all. So far all is better than expected. Especially since I started back to work too. It's bittersweet. I really love my job and the people around me there too so in that regard it was more sweet than bitter returning.
This weekend was perfect in my book!
Saturday my sister from Denver came to meet the baby. And we went to lunch and visited. Saturday night we went to my bro in law and sister in laws house for a salmon dinner. Yummy! Cade plays so well with his cousins and the other family that was over. It was great company for us all and very relaxing.
Sunday I took Cade solo to toys r us to use his bday gift cards. He got a really cool superman remote control "motor" aka motorcycle. Even Ev commented how cool it was.
While the kids napped Evan golfed and I worked on photography.
it was heaven, i'm not gonna lie!
With Sunday being a super moon we headed out to horsetooth reservoir for a picnic. Cade was reluctant to go in the water but then he eased right in and we had to pull him away (tears and all). While I rocked the baby watching Cade and Evan skip rocks and play.
I sat there thinking to myself my life really is everything I wanted it to be. And my heart was full!❤
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