Friday, February 3, 2012

The boots with the fur kind of day

Well I don't think it was the EPIC storm they all thought it was gonna be but it was still a fun day to wear my new boots with the fur (a gift from my sis for Xmas!)

My Mom also came to town to see us and we had a lovely Italian dinner last night. we were discussing jewelry for some reason and she told me her favorite piece out of all her very blingy pieces was this one she gifted to me for my "something blue" for my wedding day nearly 6 years ago.  It was a ring my Dad gave to her when they were very young. I never wear it and need to wear it more,so today I sported it and loved every bit of it!

And yes I'm wearing yellow polish too!

I also felt very Flinstoneish today wearing my chuncky red bead necklace:

Hope everyone stayed warm and dry today!

Cheers, Carri

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