Friday, February 3, 2012

Interpretations,of what exactly?

I guess I don't really get the OTI segment of the blog fashion challenge over at: www.frecklesinapril.blogspot.com  but I did what I did,my way.......
So..... open to interpretation that my sweater is weird lime green/mustard color that matches my blog, why yes!

*are my pics getting better yet?

Green Sweater (the limited)~Scarf (old navy old)~ 
tan skinnies (Kohls, JLO brand)~Black boots (white mountain old)~hoop earrings (GAP)

 I just love scarves, I could wear them daily, what will I do come summer?? gasp
I really like how this mistmatched hodge podge of colors came together. I never would have thought of this color combo prior to this challenge that is for sure!

Cheers, Carri

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