Saturday, January 4, 2014

All the best in 2014!

Well Christmas time came and went and here I am a few weeks late posting holiday pics! The boys had a great time, opening presents, making cookies.  I think I enjoyed the time more than usual as I had a week off work and got to sleep in every day until 8:30. IT. WAS. HEAVEN!
Now I'm back to the grind, which is also ok because I really do like my job and the people I work with.
Here's a reflection on our holidays, hope yours were just as sweet. I just realized we didn't get a pic of the boys with Grandma, Sorry Grandma, we will do that very soon!

Cade concentrating very much on the paint cookies task

making the infamous "paint cookies" that my mom made with us as kids

I took this pic late so here is our droopy tree

Our version of the Elf on the Shelf (about a 4th of the cost) lol

My fav ornament from Adrienne

Ev on Xmas Eve enjoying the evening by the tree

G playin on his new cell

Cade playing Dr.

Ev tryin out the new Megazord

Oh and Happy 9 Month Birthday to Baby G.

Cheers, Carri

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