Sunday, January 12, 2014

life on track

Don't get me wrong I absolutely LOVE my photography job. But, I do have to admit its been heaven having my weekends free again. I feel so accomplished and caught up on my home life. The past two weekends infact, I have spent taking photos of my boys. And this weekend I worked out, got all the laundry done, sheets changed, groceries bought, Valentine cards made and ordered, shopping for new work out clothes for me and the crock pot is cooking our dinner as we speak. The boys are napping, while Evan is off watching the Bronco game today. It's been pure bliss.  I used my time this weekend to do a Valentine's photo shoot of the boys, plus Caders will need to bring cards to his classmates. I created this cute number ( you see all over pinterest, so not my idea) where you place a sucker in Cade's hand:
you know me, I can never just have one variety of card, LOL so I did 12 of each.

Meanwhile, take a look at these loving brothers!

And because its Garris' first Valentine's Day we made him a special Valentine also, those are lipstick kisses on his head bc I had a few hundred dollars on me and bought a bunch of kisses from this dude.

I love the idea of photo card for Valentine's cards. They're personal, thoughtful and cheaper than those silly box set. At .9 cents a pop, you can't go wrong!
Happy early Valentine's Day all.
Cheers, Carri

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