Monday, February 6, 2012

The skinny on the smoothies....

As you know I began a smoothie kick of green smoothies on jan 2. I'm happy to report that without any extra efforts besides having a green smoothie most days of the week I have noticed a change in my waistline! An entire pants size infact. Hooray. Love it when that happens without a concise effort.
I have also been obsessed with spinach salads with cranberries and almond slivers with balsamic vinegrette!! Which I eat daily at work.
Evan tends to have the more fruit smoothies. I however am stuck on the "green monster" (peanut butter, almond milk, yogurt, frozen banana, kale and spinach)
So if you haven't already tried one do so today and you too may see your tummy shrink!
I guess my new sewing machine will be getting a work out as I mend my pants now.

Cheers, Carri

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