Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Pinterest tried and true

So I'm back!
It's been forever since I've posted a PT&T post.
We're finding our groove and getting some sort of routine down here at the Beauprez home.
I've been trying to get out and do something once a day with the kids and or do projects or baking etc. I've taken them with me twice now. It's a lot of gear to pack up having a newborn on your hands. Cade is so easy and such a big help to me too!
Today we ventured out to Bru for a new diaper bag. Then we made these fabulous homemade healthy blueberry muffins. I love that there is Greek yoghurt and oats in them. They're not super sweet which I also like. The yoghurt makes them very moist. I did increase cook time 5 mins for a total of 30min.
Try them, you will see what I mean!!
Image courtesy of domestic ate dacademic

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