Saturday, August 3, 2013

Getting fit

Since having the baby I really need to get my body back. I refuse to go buy more work pants, refuse. So I'm making do with the few pants that do fit me. 
But I decided to really get serious. After our mo gym membership ended I purchased T25 exercise program. 
T25 is an intense workout DVD that is 25 minutes a day 5 days a week. It's super difficult and I'm not gonna lie, I've struggled thru the first 2 workouts. But I'm outta shape, and no one said it would be easy!

I've seen great results from some of my insta peeps so I thought why not?  
Evan decided to join me too so that's encouraging. 
I have about 9lbs to get back to my pre-preg weight. But more than that I want to get toned and feel good about myself again. It will come...
I feel great about the changes I've made to my diet about 5 weeks ago. I have a spinach smoothie everyday. Followed by healthy, low carb snacks and balanced meals all day. Since I'm breast feeding I can't cut back too much so I eat clean!
Of course I'm human and allow myself cheats from time to time. Hey I said I was human lol. 
Wish us luck!

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