I love the holidays, who doesn't?
Family, friends, food, presents.
I love it also because I get to decorate!!!
At the end of each holiday season I make on large shopping haul at 50% off.
So the next year when I get out my loot its like opening presents with all my
finds from the previous years shopping trip!
Holiday Tree all lit up:
Find out how to take twinkle tree photos here: twinkle tree
Cade's Xmas countdown :
Front entry holiday decor:
Something I found on pinterest that I printed and framed.
Each year at daycare they make a photo ornament that I hang on Santa:
Chalkboard, I can never get my handwriting very good on the board:
Front of home decor. I love red brick and pinecones:
Cade's mini tree for his room:
Salt dough ornaments we made one day:
More salt dough ornaments of Cade's hand:
Cade busy working on his legos while I decorate for Xmas:
Holiday wreath for the front wall:
find out how to make this wreath for $1.00: wreath
Cade excited about his tree:
I can't wait to see Cade's face when Santa comes!!

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