Friday, June 28, 2013

back to work so soon?

Well Maternity leave is over as you may have noticed.
Its okay, I got 10 weeks with my boys.
Its more time than I had with Cade when he was born, so for that I'm grateful.
We pulled Cade from daycare while I was out of work.
It was more of cost savings idea than anything.
And looking back it was the right decision for us, for sure.
Garris slept about 80% of those 10 weeks.
And so that time I was able to spend one-on-one with Cade.
When do you ever get to have 10 weeks off with your kids? 
(unless you're a teacher, which clearly I'm not).
About 3-4 weeks out of delivering Garris I felt well enough to venture out with the boys.
I love saying that "the boys, my boys" etc. 

Once we got into a routine of getting out of the house it was wonderful
The weather this April was nothing to write home about.
We had a snow storm about every other day it seemed.
So getting out of the house on some days was not possible,
or I was just to lazy to wrap everyone up and deal with it.
Regardless, once that passed we had a wonderful time getting out.
We did something practically every day. 
Even if it just meant going grocery shopping.

We hit up the Denver zoo, Lee Martinez Park, City park, the mall, The Rockies Game, The Children s museum, Old Navy (a lot!), King Soopers (a lot too!), IKEA baby, The Rio (mama needed a marg-don't judge), Cool Beanz coffee house, swim lessons, the outlet mall, Boulder. 
You name it, we did it.
We also had regular weekly play dates with some of Cade's friends.
I can honestly say that I feel like my maternity leave was equal bonding between both my boys.
And while it was hard some mornings, when all I needed was to sleep.
I had Evan there to care for Cade and allow me to rest.
I couldn't have asked for a better Maternity leave to spend time with my family, my boys, my life.

Cheers, Carri

1 comment:

  1. I hope the transition back is an easy one! I know it's hard to leave the little guys! [I am in love with the hiney picture!]
