Monday, August 26, 2013

We've got a preschooler on our hands!

Cade started preschool today!  I can't believe it. He's grown up so fast. The morning started off well. We got up early made a good breakfast of eggs and fruit with carnation instant breakfast to boot. At his last appt the doc told us he was under weight at only 34 lbs. she suggested the carnation breakfast. 
Of course we had a pre-school photo moment prior to leaving the house. 
We arrived early to go play on the playground to get acclimated to the school. When the bell rang we made our way to the classroom. 
There sat on a colorful rug were 13 other young, eager minds. Cade was reluctant to join in and play with the toys they had out. I sat on the rug with another nervous mommy, trying to get Cade comfortable. After 10 min I decided I needed to go. It would never get easier on him if I were to stay any longer. The teacher knew the drill and picked him up carrying him away. I think she's had to do this before, lol. I didn't hear him cry but I didn't have the heart to turn back and look. As tears came to me, I reminded myself how blessed we are that Cade got into this program, and what a great opportunity it was for him. Then I smiled...

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