Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Waiting for Christmas

I feel like a kid waiting for Christmas!
I'm so excited about the arrival of baby B that I can't sleep at night - oh wait, I can't sleep at night bc I'm huge right now. But still I can hardly stop daydreaming about having a new bebe!
Will it be a girl or another boy?
What will name him/her?
By the looks of it we may be those parents having an unnamed child and be forced to pick something so we can be discharged. We just can't seem to agree on names currently. That's another story....

I'm most excited to make Cade a big brother. He has such a sweet soul I know he's going to be a huge help and loving brother. He's already gentle and loving to my huge belly. He asks when the baby eats and if "she's" sleeping he whispers. He's convinced it's a girl btw. I know he doesn't fully understand that in 7 weeks all of our lives will change forever....

I'm not gonna lie, after years of infertility trying to get Cade and some miscarriages and more infertility I was scared we may not be able to have another. To be carrying this baby now, with no complications is a real blessing. I remind myself of that as I waddle to and from work uncomfortably each day now.

Coming up on 7 weeks to go-We're already making adjustments at home.
Next up we need to repaint our LR as we got a new sleeper couch and the walls are yucky! That's what having a toddler with hands on the wall will do. I recall my dad always telling us to not touch the walls. Now I understand why-its not so fun repainting walls over and over again.

We have some work to do in Evans office still to make room for some baby stuff but everything has been going very smoothly!
Feeling very blessed and blissful!


  1. Carri I can't believe it's almost time! You look absolutely adorable. I am so happy for your family!! I can't wait to find out if its a boy or a girl! I am with Cade, I say girl :)

  2. oh my goodness, you look so adorable!!! It's so close!!
