Saturday, February 2, 2013

Pinterest tried and true

I'm back after trying yet another Pinterest recipe. It was lovely and warm here today so I was reluctant to make this. But the creamy tomato goodness was calling my name and I'll be honest we haven't left the house yet today. I told my husband after a 3.5 hr nap that I wished I could hibernate, relax, aka do nothing and cook this baby for the remaining 8 weeks to go.
He's so sweet he told me to do just that every chance I can. Ok easier said than done with a 3.5 yr old running loose!
Any who back to the soup. I did the stove top version today. The only thing I would change is the salt. We didn't taste it before Evan put that in and between the chx broth and canned tomatoes there was plenty of salt already. I tried to cut it by adding a cup of water to the final mixture no such luck.
The soup is thick of yummy veggies, and creamy and smooth.
Try it!!
Update: the soup was even better the next day. At evans request we added lobster and a cup of milk to thin it out as it thickened it became marinara consistency. Nice addition honey!

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