Friday, June 28, 2013

The 4th trimester is over.

Fourth trimester-say wha?  
Yeap from womb to world is considered the 4th trimester. 
Experts say that babies need the first 3 months of life to give their brain and nervous system time to mature. In those 3 months the infant develops into a baby that learns to respond to the outside world. Smiling, cooing, lifting their heads, this is the 4th trimester.  
You know what else came with our 4th trimester? 
A schedule. An actual schedule!  
We have a routine down now and that feels wonderful. 
Not sure how long it will last but I'll enjoy it while its here. 
 Garris puts himself to sleep around 9pm. He sleeps in the pack n play in our room. 
He then sleeps 7-9 hrs and then I bring him into our bed to nurse him. 
Sharing your bed with an infant isn't for everybody but it works for us. And it's only a few hours in the early morning hours. 
I cherish that time to snuggle him and gaze at his gorgeous lil face. 
Garris is a champ when it comes to adjusting to being bottle fed during the day while he's home with daddy.  To being nursed in the evenings when he's with me. 
He's a very easy going baby. 
Only cries when he needs something. 
He likes to be held and being on his own too. 
Each morning while I get ready for work he likes to lay there and look at the ceiling fan.
sounds epic right?? I know
He likes his lil gym, the swing, bumbo, vibrating seat, being held in the baby bjorn. His head strength is getting there too.
Have I mentioned he's a lil Houdini?
He can get his arms out of any miracle blanket, swaddle combo even.
We still try night after night.
He's a very happy lil guy. He's starting to recognize me when I come home from work he gives me a huge smile. 
He melts my heart. 
Happy 3 month bday lil dude

Big boy tryin out the Bumbo seat this week, gaining head control

Sleepy baby, Love it when he passes out in my arms

Garris has discovered his arms and is in constant contact with them; "word up"

Me and the boys XOXO

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