Monday, August 26, 2013

Stats on baby G

I can't believe my baby boy is already 18 weeks old! We took him for his four-month appointment and he got shots. He handled them like a champ and obviously he cried. He later fell asleep and has been great since then. Now for his stats:
15.2 lbs 48% for weight
25 in 50% for height
16.6 in 50% for head circumference 

I feel like such a slacker! With Cade I was taking pictures every month so I could see his progress and growing. Poor little Garris I haven't taken many photos with my real camera at all. But I do have some great ideas for photo shoots coming once he learns how to sit up!
We recently introduced rice cereal to Garris he ate every bit of it and loved it.
His sleeping habits have become less impressive! He's waking up more often through the night which makes for tired and long days for mom!  
We got out his exer saucer recently and he loves to stand and sit in his Bumbo also. 

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