Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Recovering a chair DIY style

When I was first pregnant with Cade back in 2008 we opted to not find out the sex. So planning a gender neutral nursery was not very exciting to me. I knew I wanted a versatile chair that could be used in our home down the road and def not a glider style chair. Afterall I did luck out and have a precious baby boy who didn't really require a ton of rocking to be put to sleep!
I found this baby at the Goodwill on a 50% off day and got it for $12.

I decided to recover it in this fabric, LOVE:

Yes, maybe its a bit girly but I have spurced up the room with some things that make it all boy!
It was a hellacious project that if I had to do again I probably wouldn't.  Especially now having a baby I wouldn't have the time. 
But I do love how it turned out:

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