Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Body under construction

What better way to make myself accountable than to blog about it!  Right?
I like to call it my "body under construction" project!
Well I've been really watching what I eat and working out 4x's a week to try to get into shape. And I'm 😄 to report I'm down 2lbs from last week. I'm still breast feeding so I can't cut back on cals very much but I can eat cleaner, and I am. 
I feel better too. I have more energy despite the 4 am feelings with Garris. 
You may notice my insta feed being flooded with inspirationals-attempting to keep me motivated. 
Wish me luck in my journey. 11lbs to go to my pre preg weight and lots more toning to do too. 
Surely not brave enough to post a before pic of my progress but maybe one day!!


  1. Keep up the good work andplease tell me when can you publish more articles or where can I read more on the subject?
    click here
